What Is “Write For Us” Or Guest Posting All About And What Are Its Benefits?
Guest posting in easy words can be understood as writing content for another company’s websites. Many websites request and allow authors and bloggers for guest posting or sponsored posts. Even they have a dedicated page for guest posting named as “write for us”. In most cases, guest bloggers or writers come up to websites of the same niche or industry in order to get:
- High Back Traffic
- Increases website domain authority
- Increased Brand Awareness and Visibility
- Assist in creating relations within the similar industry
It must be noted that Guest blogging, Guest Posting or “write for us” or sponsored posts not only benefits the writer but also the website hosting the guest content.
Guidelines For Write For Us General Category Publishing Guest Post Articles
Select topics: Before Pitching for your article submission, kindly go through our articles and come up with unique content ideas that you’re most passionate about writing a well researched, in-depth article for our website
Allocate a topic: After pitching for an article submission, we will choose a topic from your given suggestions and allocate you to write on.
Word Limit: All posts must be at least 600 words, but long-form content (1,000+ words) is accepted and encouraged.
Formatting subheads: Give proper titles, H1, and H2, H3 tags as required.
Add Links: Add 1-2 external links
Plagiarism free: 100% plagiarism-free and unique content
Author Bio: You can include the author’s short bio.
Approval time: Thus it is a sponsored post; only the Top suggestion will get approved and sent you via email in 1-2 business days.
Revision: Once an article is published, we do not allow Revisions; if it is extremely necessary we can make changes from our end.
If all goes well, we will publish your article in a week and will email you the article link.
Guest Post | Write for Us and Guest Blogging Opportunities with Us
- Business
- Web Design
- Beauty & Fashion
- Health & Fitness
- Real Estate
- Digital Marketing
- Education
- Technology
- Travel
- News
List Of Search Queries To Find Write For Us Or Guest Posting Sites:
Technology Write for us
Mobile Technology + “Write for us”
Fashion Write for us
Health Write for us
Entertainment Write us
Business Write for us
News Write for us
Sports Write for us
Write for us Fashion
Mobile App Write for us
Niche + Write for us
Write for us + Technology
Fashion + write for us
Technology + Write for us
Write for us Technology
Technology + write for us + Guest Post
Write for us Fashion Blog
Write for us Men’s Fashion
Business “Write For Us”
Guest Post Technology
Technology Business “Write for us”
Blogging Write for us
Business Technology write for us
Fashion + “write for us”
Technology Business Write for us
Health + Write For Us + Guest Post
Technology “Write for us”
Fashion Blog write for us
Fashion + write for us + Guest Post
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